Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day 3 of rash

Well we never figured out what this rash was .This morning he just had it on his face and pretty much gone from all the rest of his body.Now it is 1 pm and i just looked him over really good it is totally gone.So unless it reappears by morning he will be at school tomorrow.Yeah.

Last friday Brian went into the Union office here .He signed up to be called for work in other areas out of town ,such as Portland,Salem and Eugene. Then he went and visited Br.Doug at his office.Doug told him about a guy that had came in looking for someone to do Siding ,windows,outside trim and inside trim of his new house.Brian called the guy but couldn't get anyone.He tried again on Saterday morning and got the man.He went out and talked to him yesterday and took the job.It does not pay as much as if he would get paid going out of town.But it is here not out of town ,it should be atleast 8 weeks of work.So he went back and to the Union people that he got something to keep him busy for awhile and got back off the out of town lists.Another good thing about him not going out of town is he will be home every night by 5 pm .There for we can have company and go visiting.He can alos continue working on the house that seems like it may never be all the way finished .Lately tho he has been doing alittle bit of something everyday.


Sabriena said...

Well that's good. About Dale and about Bro. Brian, both. Thank you for keeping us all updated. Hopefully everything will just fall into place, as far as work for Bro. Brian. Anyway, if it does, it will be a pretty obvious sign from God. That's really good about him being able to be home by 5 every day. Visiting is so important, helps build ties, strengthens the love between the brethren, and keeps us more united. Of course, I guess that those all mean the same thing, really. Not that much difference.

Jules said...

I wonder if it could POSSIBLY be 5th disease. Me and the kids had that last year. It isn't bad to have, just ugly. Look back at one of my very first posts (October, 2007) and you can see some pics of my kids with it and see if it looks like what Dale has. I hadn't even heard of it until we all had it, it was a weird rash. Hope you're doing good :)

meNmykids said...

Wonderful! Glad that Brian is working again. Such a trial not to have work. Hope the rash issue is over for good.

JoAnn said...

Im glad Brian gets to stay home for a while. It will be very nice for you and the kids. I think Julie is right it might be 5th disease. But glad to hear he is doing better.

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

so glad to hear that Dale is doing better. Wonderful news that Bro Brian has work for a while. Our prayers will continue to be with your family.

Chantel H said...

Gabriel is Lee and Cherries baby. Born Tues morn. We miss you guys. I wish we could have Tyrel over like old times.

Chantel H said...

So glad Brian got a job!!!