Monday, September 29, 2008

2nd Day of Rash

Well today the rash is different.Some areas are faded ,someplaces that there was no rash yesterday there is rash today.Some is real red and just covers a big area and some it more like big red blots.Nothing pimply,no fever,some of it feels a little raised up .He still says it does not itch much at all.Took some pictures and e-mailed them to my brother Matt and to my sister-in-law Velvadene. They both thought the pictures could be poison oak(pictures really didn't do the rash justice ,the rash is lot different than pictures)problem is there is no poison oak around here .He was just at home on saterday and at tyrels soccer game but then he was just watching the game right there with us sitting in our own camp chairs.

So I will just wait it out see how it is tomorrow.And hope he does not miss much school over this.Hope the other little kids don't get it .Hope the other kids don't tell school he has bad rash.They are pretty good about the kids being sick or getting rashes ,but if it lasts very long and is contagious then they might have the nurse come out and look at it.

He did miss school back on the 8th of the month for a bad cough.But he never had fever or anything else .Just a cough a that was mostly at night for couple of days.That would have made sunday 20 days since he had a cough if that is anything to do with getting a rash now. So any ideas let me know......I could send ya a picture to see if you have some ideas or we can just pray and wait it out.


Sabriena said...

I hope everything ends well. I'll keep praying until you tell us he's better... maybe even then, eh?

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

Could it be an allergic reaction?

Marisela said...

Hope it clears up soon. It is so hard to know sometimes. At least he is not sick.

Sylvia said...

I hope he gets to feeling better. It is so frustrating when they get something like that and you can't figure out what it is. My kids keep breaking out with a rash, to. I think we have poison oak somewhere in the back yard.

I am really sorry it has taken me so long to invite you to my blog. I haven't been spending much time on the computer. I hope you are feeling better.

meNmykids said...

Send me a pic. Has he had fitzs disease? Yesterday Trent had a light rash on his face.....20 days is a pretty common time for childhood diseases, it must be something. Yuck.