Friday, September 21, 2007

Dale at school

Dale has been having alittle trouble in the afternoon at school .So yesterday I went and spent the last part of the day with him.Then he did not seem to have any trouble but mom was there .He wanted me to do everything with him .I am not sure if it helped for me to go or not becuase then he wouldn't play with any of the kids he just wanted to sit with me or have me do stuff with him.It is a very long day for him gets on bus at 6:35 and gets home at 4:00 .So in the afternoons he has been having melt downs and wanting to go home or call mom or just cry.We are hoping next week goes better or we might have to try half days 3 days a week for awhile and see if that helps him .But that means mom goes to the school to pick him up and it is 23 mile each way to the school.Lot of gas .here is some pictures I took of him at school.


Trina said...

Ohhhh that is tough! I am sure that is a tough decision. That is a lot of gas and driving for sure! Very good Mama to spend a day with him at school though!

Tish said...

That's too bad that Dale is having a hard time. That's a real long day for a Kindergardner. Christian leaves at 7:30 and gets back at 3. That's 2 less hours. I bet Dale has to go to bed extra early.

Marisela said...

That is a really long day for a 5 year old! Adrianna only goes half day, but I am sure if she had to go for 10 hrs. everyday she wouldn't like it much either. I think I would opt for the 3 times a week