Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tagged just like everyone!

Well I was tagged like everyone else ,it has just taken me along time to get something posted.Now everyone that I know has already been tagged so I am just going to post my info ,but not tag anyone hope that is okay.

#1 fact :I grew up with 5 brothers and no sisters.Thank goodness for sister-in-laws.We all were named with "M" names you all know us but her goes anyway,Marshall,Mark,Me,Micheal,Monte and Matthew and ofcourse we had a M last name too,McManus.

#2 fact:Meet my wonderful husband Brian when we were 15 started dating at 16,dated for almost 4 years.Have been married 17 years ,October 27th 1990.We wanted alot of kids then but after the first 3 I don't think they were planned.But we love them anyway.I myself would like another baby, but I think I like them as babies so much better than when they grow up.

#3 fact:We have 6 children. I can count the times that I had morning sickness on about 7 or 8 fingers.I just was not sick like most mothers.I enjoyed being pregant and I my self thought my labor having them was not bad at all the longest was about 12 hour .But hard labor was only about an hour .I would like another baby ,but we have talked and don't think it is really in the plan.Unless god thinks other ways.

#4 fact; We live in a very small assembly of 4 families and a single brother.I am very lonsome for some one to talk to and share things with.I am very thankfull for this blog thing,even if some people think the computer is not a good thing.I think it has kind-of brought all of us sister that are doing this alittle closer.We do have a family that has desided to move here and we are very happy.(dale & chantel and andy ,thanks).

#5 fact:I don't really care to have any animals.We have had dogs and chickens and rabbits at different times.Our kids like it at first then get bored with it and you end up taking care of them or they are to much trouble for getting someone to watch evertime you want to go some where.

#6 fact : Most of you know we are adding on to our home and remodeling at the same time .It is alot of work ,when trying to do it mostly all by yourself.We are really starting to get some things finished up and I will be posting some pictures soon.

# 7 fact: I wish some one would have told me that life goes by so quikly.We feel like we are getting so old ...haha. 2 teenagers,1 with drivers permit.She also talks on phone to one certain guy every night,what does that mean.We just can't beleive that if you think about it we all could be grandparents in just amatter of a few years.

I don't think I am ready for this.

#8 fact: So my last fact is that I love having company ,being with the brethern,going to campouts,family and freinds.I love this blogging thing too ,it seems like it could bring all us sisters closer to each other.Thanks to everyone that has joined us.

well I thought I would have trouble doing that but when I sat down with pen and paper and thought it out first I just kept coming up with more things I could write . So it was fun.but I don't have anyone to tag ,so I guess that ends it.


Marisela said...

I like reading all you little facts..I feel the same way about animals. The kids love them at first and then they get tired of them and you have to do all the work. I did however not mind having pigs to bad it was a short term thing and we got to eat them and sell them when we were done so that wasn't too bad except for the smell hehe

marykathryn said...

I loved reading your list..I do agree that it helps us keep in touch with each other's lives. I so am with you on the animal thing..hehe

meNmykids said...

Sorry, I love animals. I think I'm a little meaner than you though. My kids take care of them alone. I do get irritated when they make messes or smell etc., but all in all I'm a country girl at heart. Wish we could see your addition!

Sabriena said...

Well, I say the same as Mom. She makes us do the work. "You wanted the animal, you promised you would take care of it if you got it, and you WILL take care of it." It might cause grumbling, but it gets done. And I love my dog even considering the work. In fact, I enjoy it, to tell the truth! Well, sometimes. So Elise talks to one, certain, special guy every night? Now I'm dying to know who. Quick! Send her up here so I can drag the info. out of her! Quick! Quick! LOL.

Mrs.Martin said...

I got behind in saying hello on here again, but I am glad you did the tag, it really was fun to read everyone's list. I started out blogging to stay in touch with family out there, but then it got better, to have everyone else too. I am so happy Dale and Chantel are moving to your part. They will be such a needed blessing. Love to you all.

Trina said...

I completely agree about the animals, however I can't promise we wouldn't get more if we lived in the country again.

I think the blog thing has been a source of encouragement to me too!! I am so thankful to have this as one more way to keep in touch with everyone.